HOME Home Publications Books The Reality of Public Rights and Freedoms in Palestine: Between Regulation, Restriction and Oversight

The Reality of Public Rights and Freedoms in Palestine: Between Regulation, Restriction and Oversight

It is the second publication of “Law and Politics” series. The research publication investigates reflections of the internal Palestinian political split on the status of public rights and freedoms in the West Bank and Gaza.

In addition to assessing the current legal and practical context, the paper addresses the protective legal framework, local, international and comparative regulatory mechanism, and impact of Arab Spring revolutions on the regulation of public rights and freedoms. It further discusses public freedoms under colonial powers and investigates how the postcolonial literature views regulation of these rights and freedoms. The study explores the oversight role of relevant bodies, assessing how they approach protection of public rights and freedoms. It also reviews the role of judicial bodies in safeguarding public rights and freedoms

The Institute of Law examines the current status of public rights and freedoms in tandem with its vision, mission and values. Most significant of these are the free access to information; respect of human dignity: promotion of fundamental human values, including equality, freedom and dignity; impartiality and objectivity; and critical thinking. The publication is divided into three chapters:

  1. Regulation of Public Rights and Freedoms between Domestic Norms and International Standards
  2. Institutional Framework of Protection of Public Rights and Freedoms
  3. Freedom of Expression and Free Access to Information in Palestine: Between Regulation and Restriction


Information about the publication


Mahmoud Alwneh, Ala Hammad, Razan Barghouti and selected number of researchers.



No of pages







Law and Politics
